爱心瑞士卷 Lovely Swiss Roll

14 X 10寸瑞士卷蛋糕盆1个(涂油铺油纸)、油纸2张、
1.用FABER搅拌器把材料A 搅拌至发起,加入塔塔粉搅拌至松发。(图1)
5.再把蛋糕打开,涂上牛油糖霜后再卷起,就成瑞士卷了。 (图11)

【Swiss roll Ingredients】
A:100 g castor sugar, 1⁄2 tsp salt, 4 “Grade A” egg whites, 1⁄2 tsp cream of tartar
B:4 “Grade A” egg yolks, 30 g cooking oil, 30 ml UHT milk, 1 tsp vanilla essence
C:70 g plain flour(sifted), 1 tsp baking powder(sifted)
【Butter Cream Filling】
80g butter, 80g krimwell, 40g icing sugar(sifted), 1 tsp vanilla essence
Swiss roll pan 14”x 10”(lined with greaseproof paper)
2 pieces Greaseproof paper
Light Pink AmeriColor, Disposable piping bag
【To prepare buttercream】
Using FABER Stand Mixer, beat all buttercream ingredients together until fluffy. Set aside.
【To prepare roll】
1. Using FABER Stand Mixer fitted with a balloon whisk, whisk ingredients A, till fluffy. Add in sifted
cream of tartar then continue whisking till whites are stiff. (pic 1)
2. While egg whites are whisking, in a clean mixing bowl
combine ingredients B together with a wire whisk. (pic 2)
3. Combine egg mixture to the stiff egg whites, making sure its well mixed. (pic 3)
4. Sieve flour & baking powder into egg mixture until well combined.(pic 4)
1. Tint 50 g of the plain batter, pink and place into the piping bag. Pipe heart shapes onto the paper. Bake in
pre-heated FABER Oven to 190℃ for 2 minutes for
heart shapes to set.(pic 5)
2. Remove tray from oven, and pour the plain batter over, making sure its level. Quickly return the tray into
the oven & bake for further 10 minutes or until skewer
inserted comes out clean.(pic 6-7)
3. Remove cake from oven and leave to cool for 5 minutes
before rolling up.(pic 8)
4. Flip the cake onto another clean piece of greaseproof paper, cut into 2. Roll the cake from the short side &
leave to cool completely.(pic 9-10)
5. Unroll the cake & spread jam filling over & roll up.Serve immediately.(pic 11)

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